Saturday, September 12, 2015

Undue influence and the abortion debate...revised*

This act, The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) should be directed to those in the industries and individuals who are guilty of perverting the minds of innocent women, causing them to murder their unborn children. There is clear evidence suggesting undue influence with regard to many women opting to abort their fetuses and it is clear this was true in my case. Undue influence is defined as, an equitable doctrine that involves one person taking advantage of a position of power over another person. This inequity in power between the parties can vitiate one party's consent as they are unable to freely exercise their independent will.

*In The Woman in Green it is likely mothers and daughters viewing this film identified with Lydia who is courted by Sir George, but when they find out she is a mata hari trying to hypnotize Holmes and going to jail in the end, they shift their identifications to other characters like Watson, who was hypnotized by the suggestions, or Holmes who took something to stay awake.  These women could be among those addicted to coffee, caffeine in diet pills or even cocaine. They could be looking for killers or clothing as I did, that associates them with the characters with which they identified.  Their children might be attracted to dolls resembling Lydia.  They probably projected the female part of their psyches onto others in the process. If they identified with Lydia they likely repressed their memories of her, because they felt she was bad, which after time, might be projected onto another female who acts out that content by getting into some kind of trouble with the law and going to jail, like the numerous women in the film Caged.  They might even indulge in check writing as Lydia did this in the film and one of the characters in Caged was imprisoned for illegal check writing.  Only if one was lucky enough to have this televised in their areas could they know of such a problem and possibly escape such a fate.  Many women may have refrained from using any kind of gentle relaxing tone of voice or relaxing conversation with their children, husband or boyfriends for fear of hypnotizing them or hurting them in some way, or possibly being subjected to retaliation by men. This inhibition could possibly cause instances of women choosing to be more like men and acting out with other women.  It is quite possible some women may have taken an interest in luring a man to her apartment with the same kinds of activities, Lydia used and this of course, was how many men saw Mata Hari. Was the woman influenced by the dialogue or did she act of her own free will? According to most scientists it is unlikely she was able to act of her own free will, unless that dialogue was stripped from her mind and memory.  Some men may claim their female date was coming on to him and caused the problem, unconscious of the true cause of his own behavior.  Other men viewing this film, could have been enrage over being hypnotized, may have assaulted, raped or even murdered some woman who exhibited these kinds of behaviors.  Marriages may have been damaged.  These men claim their female date was coming on to them and caused the problem.  In this case, the content of the film is in the female counterpart of the male psyche and some innocent woman ends up ruined for life or in the morgue.

Near the end of the film viewers are subjected to another suggestion in which they are wished well in their search for whatever it is they are seeking. Those who find themselves in situations where they are pregnant and unprepared for motherhood may consider abortion an option and seek a doctor just as Angie did in the film, Love with the Proper Stranger, but then opted out. The point here is they were obedient to the suggestion and sought to get rid of the baby. By the time Choices was written lots of talking up in this film might have created dialogue amongst viewers who felt she should have had the abortion. People using mind control can also persuade people to opt out of having a baby. I might add that in this film Holmes’ violin furthered the processing of the dialogue in the film. Love With a Proper Stranger insinuates promiscuity and abortion are “the happening” in the 60’s amongst middle class young adults. Couple these influences with the hypnotic suggestion and you have a cocktail for disaster. In Choices, a young woman falls prey to the thinking in the first part of this film and does have an abortion. It isn't always what is in the dialogue but what the viewers think that creates the problems in the mind. In the film Marisa questions her close friend on why she didn't reveal she had had an abortion. This also alludes to the possibility entanglements may have caused her daughter’s pregnancy.

In the series, The Outer Limits, the show would begin with either a cold open or a preview clip, followed by a "Control Voice" narration that was played over visuals of an oscilloscope. The earlier and longer version of the narration ran as follows, using an Orwellian theme of taking over your television. First lines of each episode: There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to – The Outer Limits. A similar but shorter monolog caps each episode: We now return control of your television set to you. Until next week at the same time, when the control voice will take you to – The Outer Limits. How they managed the “your” and “we”, has been long understood often in dialectical thinking, that they sometimes refer to another individual speaking to us.

With these influences directing our thinking, narrations like those in the Outer Limits series persuade us to turn our control over to the television and beckon us to tune in again. Films and images can aid the unconscious mind, however, I have found far too many conflicts in dialogue in films and novels provoking negative behavior and unhealthy or violent thinking. While Angie didn’t have an abortion, they consider it and this could easily have been construed by someone entangled with another seeing the film as something that had happened and might brew up a nasty cup of thinking on the subject such as, “oh my god, she had an abortion, wonder who it is”? Before this lands in someone’s lap there is a brew so thick with problems you can’t see the bottom of the cup. These kinds of conflicts can become extremely annoying and anxiety provoking so that internal and external violence will erupt without provocation, in other-words one might become homicidal or suicidal for no just reason. Those who often lack knowledge regarding the manner in which these indulgences affect their brains and minds can be affected by this content through projection and/or dissociation. Projection and dissociation has been documented by psychologists and some writers. The Ordeal of Dr. Cordell, a 1961 Thriller episode dramatizes these findings. Apparently a radio suspense broadcast titled The ABC Murders, was delivered over the airways in 1943, in which a ringing bell opened the program and was mixed up with someone’s viewing of the 1959 film, Ordeal on Locust Street, which contained a hypnotic suggestion and created a kind of sleepwalking in a scientist who subsequently committed a murder upon hearing the ringing of bells. The subject of the treatment offered in Ordeal on Locust Street was a boy who had homosexual tendencies, or rather, he needed help working through projections from his sister who likely viewed The Woman in Green.

Lyrics like, “we don’t need no education”, corrupts opportunities for learning when coupled with a hypnotic suggestion so one seeks other opportunities opposed to education.  Our problems lie with the creation of poor patterns of behavior.

It has also been suggested those influencing this bill were protecting these industries from criminal and civil prosecutions for undue influence. Just how does this also apply to cases of criminal assault, sexual assault, and murder? In the last 30 years we have paid close to $1,000,000,000,000 just to cable companies and likely two-thirds that much to the film and music industries. Think of what we could have done with that money. Our infrastructure is failing everywhere. Fat cats are leaving our country with bags of money and all we do is beat up on poor women who are mixed up and confused and can’t think for themselves about their own lives. We let them kill these babies. 

The Woman in Green dialogue is available here.  Please whisper it out.



The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

The law is codified in two sections of the United States Code: Title 18, Chapter 1 (Crimes), §1841 (18 USC 1841) and Title 10, Chapter 22 (Uniform Code of Military Justice) §919a (Article 119a).

The law applies only to certain offenses over which the United States government has jurisdiction, including certain crimes committed on Federal properties, against certain Federal officials and employees, and by members of the military. In addition, it covers certain crimes that are defined by statute as federal offenses wherever they occur, no matter who commits them, such as certain crimes of terrorism.

Because of principles of federalism embodied in the United States Constitution, Federal criminal law does not apply to crimes prosecuted by the individual states. However, 38 states also recognize the fetus or "unborn child" as a crime victim, at least for purposes of homicide or feticide.[2]

The legislation was both hailed and vilified by various legal observers who interpreted the measure as a step toward granting legal personhood to human fetuses, even though the bill explicitly contained a provision excepting abortion, stating that the bill would not "be construed to permit the prosecution" "of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf", "of any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child" or "of any woman with respect to her unborn child.

Where are the Ethics in Ethos, 3rd edition revised…

Ethos: A Time for Change online | Free | Hulu

Note:  This article will alter your perceptions of advertising and television viewing.  If the reader chooses to read this article he or she will be responsible for the outcome as he or she is being forewarned of the consequences.  If the reader supports television and media manipulation of the human mind I suggest you opt out of reading it.  It does not support these industries but supports the consumer and his rights as a citizen in a democratic society. I altered the you’s and me’s in my original for the purposes of aiding the reader in objectively altering his perception of advertising and television viewing if he so chooses by reading this response to the film Ethos.  My first impulses while writing it were in response to the film, the film clip of Dr. Chomsky and his comments.  I support my theory that dialogical thinking and writing are more advantageous as I have evolved my thinking as well as my writing over the past 13 years by doing it and is what I present to you here.  It has required more intelligence gathering on my part to make this evolution possible. 

I beg to argue comments by Dr. Chomsky, that this country was founded as a “polyarchy” and was never intended to be a Democracy.   The comments likely had some effect on the brains of listeners and there are millions of others who will never challenge his comments and just take for granted that what he is saying is the whole truth.  This I have discovered is the core of much of his rhetoric based on his keen knowledge of neurolinguistic programming and because he has put himself out there as an authority, with a Harvard degree in linguistics.   He seems to present this hopeless attitude with his comments I find leads one to want to relinquish his or her power over to the few, in frustration if nothing else.  If they fully understood linguistics they wouldn’t listen to him most of the time, in fear of having their minds manipulated to suit the reality he seems to oppose regarding corporations.  He is once again trying to make people believe a polyarchy is what we opted for in 1776.  Not so.  Dr. Chomsky’s thinking may actually manipulate us into thinking we have consented to something we haven’t because he claims this polyarchy was constructed in the 18th century, is more clear now it is becoming a plutocracy, because this “specialized class” of thinkers, all thought it best that we think and believe this, basically to save themselves from us and our increasing awareness of these deceits.   They are wrong.  It may be necessary now that they have created this mental confusion in our minds, the consumers, but constitutionally, we still have a Democracy and the voice of the majority still rules the day no matter how sound it is or isn’t. 

What really happened is this group of entrepreneurs, who wanted to prevent another great depression, hired a public relations person to help them get into our minds more to manipulate our spending than to find out what it was we wanted.  They created this polyarchy as Chomsky has pointed out, to finance this marketing scheme as an investment in future consumer spending at the turn of the 20th century not the 18th century.  Coffeehouses were selling coffee in the UK in the 1600’s. They imposed their vision on our pocketbooks and they ensured their success by polluting us with marketing trickery to ensure the flow of money and ideas in their direction.  Our ideas alone may have cost us millions in earnings which have gone into the pockets of these corporations many of us don’t even work for, claiming they are helping us and we die in poverty.  This concurs with Rand’s objectivist ideas based on the supposition that all corporate leaders are moral and will act morally when it comes to the concerns of others outside the protection of the corporation.  The proof of their lack of interest in the outsider was never more clear than when Lois Gibbs attacked chemical companies for dumping waste products into water that eventually made her children and the rest of her community sick.   They were forced to clean up their mess because of the efforts of her community, the story we now know as The Love Canal and is available on video.  Online product surveys are another perfect example.  It prevents the consumer from producing and marketing his own improved product.  Some people are content to let others profit from their ideas or be taken care of, because they are just too mentally ill, too lazy or too poor and have no choice.   Mostly they have been rendered infantile by the mass marking of television programs like Leave It To Beaver, Donna Reed Show, Dick Van Dyke Show, etc.  What they created in us is a population of hassock tripping, nosy, comedic adults unable to figure things out for ourselves, getting fired and hired and nearly divorced, etc, but they are making money while the consumer is laid up in the hospital with a bill he can’t pay and they will likely take his home and his car.  Despite this, some corporations do act with socially moral responsibility.

When the success of this marketing scheme became evident, many corporate leaders were sucked into this radical idea without a thought about the costs that would result.   Now there are millions of dependent people they call consumers, who are unable to help themselves or think for themselves.  We hardly even know ourselves because our minds have been poisoned with dialogue and behaviors from the characters we processed through our brains from the very television programming corporations have used to manipulate our spending.  I once thought Chomsky was trying to heal the problem but now it seems he has been actually perpetuating it.  

The government, lead by the ideas put forth by Edward Bernays and Freud, used Kent State and other incidents promoted by media to make people think they had some demonic beast inside them they couldn’t control.   This is far from the truth.  This demon was created by the external environment.  They certainly proved the Government was as capable of creating evil as the general population was clamed to be evil.  I suggest this thinking was nothing more than a projection of the true self of the people who were promoting this idea, “God cast Cain or Satan out into the world”.  He inflicted his evil upon mankind, and the fatherly leaders in our country who have been touted as weak and incompetent tried to leads us away from this erroneous thinking.  “We have nothing to fear but fear itself”.  Set aside your fear and step into a better way of thinking.

Did you notice under the highlighted areas in the film, where Chomsky reads from Lippmann’s book, this “specialized class” was “irresponsible for its acts upon information that was not common property, in situations that at large, the public did not conceive, and it (the specialized class) can only be held to account on the accomplished fact.”  This means this specialized class of persons created this problem and now they are trying to claim it was An American Experiment.  It is like me telling you now to go and get a glass of water.  You’ve read it and it will be programmed into your mind.  You are accountable for reading the statement.  I am only accountable for the results.  If you hated water and didn’t want to drink it this would be a real issue because I have caused you to do something you didn’t want to do and you nor I can change it.  Once we open a book or turn on the set it is purported we are giving consent for our minds to be used in any manner they desire.  This is far from the truth. My own father was mildly aware this was happening but he was not aware in what context it had happened to him. 

They violated our Ninth Amendment Rights by their actions and I simply refuse to hand my constitutional rights over to these self-absorbed traitors of our Democracy.  It isn’t that we the people were unable to think intelligently about the future of  our country, we the consumers through the ill-fated use of the television for information from those we entrusted, are often rendered incapable of it.  While this video describes a reality, it also programs us to believe this reality is true and that we are hopeless to do anything about it.  I have found evidence they intended to wipe out people in this country and thus the drive for control of the money in this country by the private cartel mentioned in the film.  Parts of this knowledge are detected in the film Twelve Monkeys in which Kathleen Reilly, a psychiatrist, is speaking to a group of people supposedly about the Cassandra Complex.  What was really happening?  It seems no less happened to the Egyptians who were eventually wiped out or assimilated into other cultures.  Numerous Start Trek episodes walk us through this process, “resistance is futile”, we are told.  Resistance seems to be the course of action needed to have an impact.  If the majority opposes my position, it in no way means my ninth amendment rights are null and void or that I have to succumb to the thinking or wishes of the majority for 4 or 8 years.  No majority overrides the rights retained by the people, it is a constitutional violation.

This article on neurolinguistic programming and the television, based on my personal experiences, is how these corporations, through the use of media, have used the film making industry and television to take liberties with our brains, minds and bodies, without our permission, based on false assumptions about the human condition.  Carefully used dialogue which seems to portray scenes in various films can hypnotize the viewer.  Even if hypnotic suggestion is not used, dialogue can be worded and images strategically placed, so as to illicit specific behaviors by the listening viewer.  Carefully worded statements they now call memes are used throughout television advertising to program our minds to buy and try a product like the once frequently heard, “good to the last drop”, or “things go better with coca-cola”, which enters the viewer’s subconscious mind while viewing your favorite Sunday evening program.  While this ad applied to a coffee product, it can refer to any product sold by television including alcohol, cough medicine, sugar laden juices, soft drinks, natural fruit juices and milk. The viewer is then helpless to alter his thinking until the suggestion is removed, meaning he or she must buy and drink the product to the last drop, whether he likes it or not, or either he projects the idea of buying the product onto someone else who then unknowingly acts it out for him.  Most often this person is likely a writer cleaning up the television who keenly connected these two slogans creating that behavior in the minds of those he is supposed to be helping.  He may even convince the actor that he is a special person and that one should help him by acting it out for him.  If we were such dangerous, rebellious people, how did the coffee industry get to be a billion dollar industry?   I drank a good bit of coca-cola in my youth and preferred it to Pepsi which originated in my own State.  It did nothing for relieving my depression and I kept on drinking it.  It took me 45 years to discover why it did nothing for making things better or making me happier.  Nutritionists and Doctors claimed it was the sugar and high fructose corn syrup addicting us to the product.  It isn’t, it is the carefully worded advertisements they placed in magazine ads and on television between our favorite television programs creating and perpetuating the habit.   Think about an old film or television program from your past and you trigger the ad for coke and you may be off to the store to get one.  Sugar in modest amounts is not harmful to the body.  In excessive amounts it can contribute to diabetes and osteoporosis.  The sugar will eventually be converted into inositol that opens calcium ion channels releasing calcium from stores contributing to bone loss.  I have used this product.  It lead to osteopenia in my left arm.  In excessive amounts sugar will use up ATP also contributing to osteoporosis.   It can damage your health. 

Why didn’t we rebel against this poisonous thinking we now pay them for, at roughly $100.00 per month?   Paying them to poison our minds with ideas that harm our minds, bodies and spirits. Isn’t that irrational?  If you are like me and grew up with the thing in the house while still in diapers, one could hardly know the difference because we never had a chance to develop a life before that monster box had us locked up. Hollywood and film makers had the keys to getting us out.  They were the ones who stood to profit most from our predicaments.  We, their little puppets, had no choice unless we just chose not to succumb to their deceits.  I discovered recently, carefully planned films were what prevented me from going to Hollywood. 

They claim the chemicals in the coffee will wake you up but so will the amino acid tyrosine and dopamine which have similar molecular structures as caffeine.  Coffee also contains theobromine, theophylline, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors.  If you smoke cigarettes caffeinated coffee may increase the amount of tar and nicotine that enters your lungs because theophylline relaxes bronchial tubes enabling more of the toxic substances to enter the lungs increasing damage.  Caffeine has diuretic properties.  It can dehydrate the body causing an increase in the anti-diuretic hormone vasopressin.  Vasopressin causes the body to retain fluid to help prevent dehydration but is not a healthy way of keeping the body hydrated.  In this state blood pressure can rise along with other physiological complications.  They have pushed caffeine to supplant these amino acids which are natural to our bodies and important in the protein folding process.  Caffeine causes no aggression opposed to tyrosine which does but only because tyrosine aids in raising one’s mental awareness, making one more alert, normalizes blood pressure, is a powerful adenosine blocker and improves the drive for the accumulation of knowledge and learning, which in turn may cause some degree of aggression but only in that it is necessary for ones survival.  It also has anti-depressant effects.  Anger, a state one passes through from being depressed to not being depressed is normal, when I am being abused.  I must be constructive with my anger otherwise I am no different than those who hurt me.  The history of coffee use, at present, dates back to the 1600’s.  If corporations were so interested in protecting our health and well being wouldn’t they have informed the public of this evidence?  Instead they have promoted its use.  Is this a key to why the disease Aids exists?

If this video were truly interested in changing things why didn’t they get down to the brass tacks about mass production of cheap frivolous goods no one really needs or wants, but are used to get our dollars because our minds have been programmed with their memes and these cheap products end up in the landfills and will eventually cost us more.  The fast mass production of cheap goods creates more work, more stress, more health issues and more trash but not more jobs.  Producing quality goods takes more time, less stress, less trash and more secure jobs.   This is a disagreement I had with the assembly line work I did with an electronics circuit board company.  They wanted it all at the end of the day at the expense of my health and wellbeing and subsequently I walked off my job in opposition to the overwork and maltreatment.  The next day I was fired but in essence I quit my job.  They got out of paying unemployment.   But more to the point, let’s talk about what happens when these quality goods and services are produced.  Their cost is higher.  Because there are masses of people who cannot afford these quality products, it is assumed cheaper products must be produced, which breakdown or wear out more frequently and the poor person is still spending, over time, an amount of money equal to a higher quality product.  Making a quality product more affordable for lower income people raises the eyebrows of people with more money, who made it from working people with less money.  Here is where the spiritual disease envy and resentment begin to raise its ugly head, for which we the consumer and those in a lower economic class end up suffering.  Why should the rich man have to pay more?  Because they have taken more that’s why.  If he doesn’t want to pay more then he should take less.

The video is extremist on some subjects, trying to sell the public on the idea that Government is pushing some kind of national identification and tagging, claiming they are abusing our 5th Amendment rights and is evidence corporations want to control the masses.  The people who believe we need these extremes are deluded and are so guilt ridden they live in fear of their own lives.  They are trying to set the stage for us to follow through on what they want to happen.  They are trying to create fear and desperation in us the consumer, who unwillingly made them rich, because we were tricked by media and brain altering rhetoric now synonymous with neurolinguistic programming and memetics.   They use media to keep us separated from our own realities that would turn us away from what it and they are doing to us, because of what it is doing to us and our children.

The time for pyramid building is over, the future of our country lies with the people and what we do and how we behave, not with corporations, but first we must be armed with the truth.   

Correction:  Did you notice under the highlighted areas in the film, where Chomsky reads from Lippmann’s book, this “specialized class” was “irresponsible for its acts upon information that was not common property, in situations that at large, the public did not conceive, and it (the specialized class) can only be held to account on the accomplished fact.”  This means this specialized class of persons created this problem and now they are trying to claim it was An American Experiment.